Lalaloopsy: Nuu Majikaru, Nuu Kawaii Wiki
Gold Touch
141222 180009
Season 2, Episode 4
Vital statistics
Air date July 2014
Written by GTessari5829 and Thelalaloopsygirl
Directed by Everyone else
Episode guide
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Goldie accidentally turns herself into gold, while YoNang plays MagiQuest with Bridgette and they explore a mysterious dimension.


(The episode starts off with the gang at Goldie's house for her Gold Party.)

Goldie: Today, I shall show you my gold nugget collection. This first one was found by my great grandfather Topaz Luxe...

YoNang: (thinking pensively) This is boring. I want to go do something else.

(YoNang spots Bridgette playing MagiQuest.)

YoNang: Hey, are you playing MagiQuest again?

Bridgette: Yep! 

YoNang: Can I play too?

Bridgette: Sure.

(Together, they explore Bridgette's magical realm that she created with her friends.Just then, Bridgette's friends come along)

YoNang: Hey, watch this!

(YoNang uses her magic wand to summon a powerful spell that accidentally destroys an NPC village in the magical realm.)

Bridgette: YoNang!

<Molly> What's going on???

<Bridgette> Oh, nothing. My hand slipped while casting a spell.

Nate: That was quite a spell! Let's see what else we can do.

(Suddenly, they find a portal to some sort of dimension. They enter it, and realize they went into an entirely new dimension.)

Molly: Where are we?

Bridgette: We must be in the Crystal Dimension. I don't think we've ever gone here before. Let's just look around for a little bit.

YoNang: Ooh! Let's try something.

(YoNang picks up one of Bridgette's weapons, a Candy Bomb, and as she sees a Snake-Demon come along, she chucks the bomb at it, and then two more bombs, causing it to explode. Candy flies everywhere as the Snake-Demon disappears, much to Bridgette and her friends' shock and confusion. Goldie, meanwhile, has heard the explosion)

Goldie: ACK! WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT? (Her arms fly up into the air, accidentally hitting her head, and thus turning herself to gold.)

YoNang: Oops. My bad.

Jewel: What happened?

Bea: You guys didn't know that Goldie's magic can turn things to gold, even herself...

Dot: We need to find a way to reverse this quickly!

Pillow (sleepily): How about we take her to Rosy? She'll know...what to do...(falls asleep)

(So the Original 11 except YoNang, who was still playing MagiQuest, all went to Rosy's hospital.)

Rosy: Ah, very interesting. It appears that Goldie has magic powers that can turn anything to gold, which can get out of hand at times.

Mittens: How can we turn her back?

Rosy: I'm sorry, but this isn't a job for a doctor. You should probably talk to the Enchantress. She lives in the MagiQuest realm, which is located in a portal on the other side of Lalaloopsy Land, the darkest part. She can probably help you find a way to reverse Goldie's spell.

Crumbs: Okay, thanks!

(Just as they were about to go, Nurse White stops YoNang.)

Nurse White: This wouldn't have happened if you hadn't cast that destructive spell on the NPC village.

YoNang: What? I was just trying to show Bridgette something cool!

(They eventually arrive at the portal to the MagiQuest realm and pass through it. Then they find the Enchantress and explain their problem)

Enchantress: Most extraordinary! I've never seen anything quite like it. Tell me, how did Goldie develop these gold powers of hers?

Jewel: She was sewn from a gold thread that once belonged to King Midas, so she must have been cursed with his enchantment to turn things into gold when she was put together.

Mittens: Do you know how we can change her back?

Enchantress: We need the assistance of the Ancient Mage. They reside in the deepest corners of the MagiQuest Realm. They prefer the use of they/them pronouns.

Crumbs: Can you lead us there?

Enchantress: Certainly.

(At the Ancient Mages' sanctuary)

Mittens: (trips and sprains her ankle.) Ouch!

Spot: Ugh...

(They spot a mysterious figure at the back, slowly approaching while keeping their hood up.)

Figure: What?

Nurse White: Wait a second...I know her! She's Emberheart, one of the Legendary Mages from the Forgotten Kingdom. She always takes me down during battles!

Ember: What the...?! Arcane Fire! (A burst of magical flames shoots out of her hands, and everyone ducks for cover.)

(Another mage, a female with short brown hair and shocking blue eyes runs to Ember.)

Mage: Hey, hey, hey, calm down! They probably came seeking assistance!

Ember: Fine, Windwhisper, have it your way.

Nurse White: Windwhisper? That's a new one.

Dot: Uh, hello! We're here because Goldie has turned herself to gold and we need your help!

Ember: Let me take a look.

Crumbs: (whispers to the Enchantress) Wait! You said the Ancient Mage was a "they", not a "she"!

Enchantress: Oh, that's right. I misspoke. My apologies.

Windwhisper (teasingly): You are my sunshine, honey, I need you.

Ember: Enough. Windwhisper, please.

Windwhisper (still teasing): (Creates a gentle breeze and starts singing in a melodic voice) I am the Whispering Wind, I...

Nurse White: Whoa, whoa, whoa! Calm down! What are you singing?

(Windwhisper dispels the breeze and lands gracefully.)

Windwhisper: It's just a song from our realm. Pay no mind.

Ember: Windwhisper, can you please let me work?

(Soon, another mage, a young boy about the same age as Windwhisper, with spiky blue hair and matching eyes, runs toward Ember.)

Frostbite: Windwhisper, can you let my fiancée have her peace for once? I enjoy her singing.

Ember: Alright, Frostbite, have it your way.

Frostbite: Thank you, love. Now let's see what we can do about turning Goldie back to normal.

(The Ancient Mages gather around Goldie, examining the golden statue.)

Frostbite: This curse is indeed powerful. It seems to have merged with her magical essence. We'll need to perform a complex ritual to break the enchantment.

Pillow: Is there anything we can do to help?

Frostbite: Yes, actually. We need each of you to channel your magic and create a protective barrier around Goldie. It will shield her from the intense energy released during the ritual.

Jewel: We're ready. Let's do this!

The Original 11 and the Ancient Mages form a circle around Goldie, joining their hands and closing their eyes. They focus their magic, creating a shimmering barrier that envelops Goldie.

Frostbite: Now, everyone, repeat after me. "With unity and magic combined, we break the curse that has entwined."

(They chant the incantation together, their voices harmonizing in a powerful chorus. As the words echo through the sanctuary, a surge of energy fills the air, swirling around Goldie. Suddenly, the golden statue begins to crack, revealing glimpses of Goldie's face underneath. The cracks spread and widen until, with a final burst of magic, the statue shatters into a thousand pieces. Goldie stands before them, no longer made of gold.)

Goldie: (gasping for breath) What...what happened?

Bea: Goldie! You're back! The Ancient Mages helped us break the curse.

Goldie: Thank you, everyone. I'm so relieved to be myself again.

Frostbite: It was our pleasure to assist. But please, in the future, be careful with your magic. It can be both a gift and a dangerous force.

Goldie: I've learned my lesson, I promise.

Windwhisper: Oh, and YoNang, maybe next time, try using your magic for something positive instead of destructive.

YoNang: Yeah, I understand now. Sorry for causing trouble.

Ember: All is well that ends well. And let this be a reminder to cherish and respect the magic within us.

(The gang thanks the Ancient Mages for their help and bids them farewell. They return to Lalaloopsy Land, where they continue their adventures, now with a newfound appreciation for the power of magic and the importance of using it responsibly. They appear from under Bridgette's bed just as she's finished playing MagiQuest)

YoNang: Bridgette! You won't believe what happened today!

Bridgette: What happened? 

Spot: Goldie accidentally turned herself into gold! 

Mittens: Yeah! We had to take her to the Ancient Mages' sanctuary to turn her back to normal! 

Jewel: They were able to help us turn Goldie back to normal using their magic powers!

Bridgette: Well, I'm glad that Goldie is back to normal, even though I wasn't there to see it.

(Meanwhile, Nurse White discusses that day with Ember.)

Ember: Well, that was quite an adventure, wasn't it?

Nurse White: Sure was! I'm glad we were able to find you guys to help us.

Windwhisper: Oh, there's no need to thank us. We're just doing our job.

Jewel: Goldie, I think the reason why you turned yourself into gold is because you let your ability to turn things to gold get out of hand.

Goldie: (sighs) I hate it when my powers get out of hand. Next time, I'd better turn them off.

Nurse White: (laughs) Aw, shut up, Goldie! 

The End


