Lalaloopsy: Nuu Majikaru, Nuu Kawaii Wiki
Ace by goddessoftheworld-d4om8xc


Here is a list of the Japanese names that the Lalaloopsies are given.

Ace - his name in kanji is エース, meaning "Esu", while his last name in kanji is 追突事故, meaning "Tsuitotsu Jiko", meaning that his name in Japanese is "Esu Tsuitotsu Jiko (エース追突事故). Whenever he is addressed in Japanese, he is addressed as "Esu-kun".

Alice - Her name in kanji is アリス, meaning "Arisu", while her last name in kanji is lalaloopsy土地で, meaning "Lalaloopsy tochi de", but her full name in Japanese is "Lalaloopsy Tochi no Kuni no Arisu" (lalaloopsy土地の国のアリス). Whenever she is

Wacky hatter and alice redux by thweatted-d5g2ney

Kiba-kun and Arisu-chan

addressed in Japanese, she is addressed as "Arisu-chan".

Allegra - Her name in kanji is アレグラ, meaning "Aregura", while her last name in kanji is とんとん拍子, meaning "Tontonbyoshi", meaning that her full name in Japanese is "Aregura wa Tontonbyoshi" (アレグラはとんとん拍子). Whenever she is addressed in Japanese, she is addressed as "Aregura-chan".

April - her name in kanji is 4月, meaning "4-Tsuki", while her last name in kanji is 太陽のスプラッシュ, meaning "Taiyo no Supurasshu", meaning that her full name in japanese is "4-Tsuki no Taiyo no Supurasshu" (4月の太陽のスプラッシュ). Whenever she is addressed in Japanese, she is addressed as "Tsuki-chan".

Autumn - Her name in kanji is 秋, meaning "Aki", while her last name in kanji is スパイス, meaning "Supaisu", meaning that her full name in Japanese is "Aki no Supaisu" (秋のスパイス). Whenever she is addressed in Japanese, she is addressed as "Aki-chan".

Autumn spice by cloverleaf777-d97n5nt




Bea - Her name in kanji is ビー, meaning "Bi", while her last name in kanji is 多くのことを綴ります, meaning "Oku no Koto o Tsudzurimasu", but her full name in Japanese is "Bea de wa Oku no Koto o Tsudzurimasu" (BEAでは、多くのことを綴ります). Whenever she is addressed in Japanese, she is addressed as "Bi-chan".

Bea spells a lot anime style by squiishybuns-d88q2ys


Berry - Her name in kanji is ベリー, meaning "Beri", while her last name in kanji is ジャーとジャム, meaning "Ja to Jamu", but her full name in Japanese is "Beri no Bin Jamu" (ベリーの瓶、ジャム). Whenever she is addressed in Japanese, she is addressed as "Beri-chan".



Blossom - Her name in kanji is 花, meaning "Hana", while her last name in kanji is 植木鉢, meaning "Uekibachi", meaning that her full name in Japanese is "Hana Uekibachi" (花植木鉢). Whenever she is addressed in Japanese, she is addressed as "Hana-chan".

Bluebell - Her name in kanji is ツリガネスイセン, meaning "Tsuriganesuisen", while her last name in kanji is 露の玉, meaning "Tsuyunotama", but her full name in Japanese is "Buruberu no Ketsuro" (ブルーベルの結露). Whenever she is addressed in Japanese, she os addressed as "Ketsuro-chan".

Blossom flowerpot by steffuh-d4vatry


Bubbles - Her name in kanji is 泡, meaning "Awa", while her last name in kanji is ピシャリとポップ, meaning "Pishari to Poppu", meaning that her full name in Japanese is "Awa Pishari to Poppu" (泡ピシャリとポップ). Whenever she is addressed in Japanese, she is addressed as "Awa-chan".

Bubble smack n pop by steffuh-d5d122w


Bun Bun - Her name in kanji is パンパン, meaning "Panpan", while her last name in kanji is スティッキーアイシング, meaning "Sutikki Aishingu", but her full name in Japanese is "Banban Sutikki Aishingu" (バンバンスティッキーアイシング). Whenever she is addressed in Japanese, she is addressed as "Panpan-chan".

Cake - Her name in kanji is ケーキ, meaning "Keki", while her last name in kanji is ダンクと崩れます, meaning "Danku to Kuzuremasu", but her full name in Japanese is "Keki no Danku to Kuranburu" (ケーキのダンクとクランブル). Whenever she is addressed in Japanese, she is addressed as "Keki-chan".

Cake dunk n crumble by steffuh-d55ojfs


Candle - Her name in kanji is キャンドル, meaning "Kyandoru", while her last name in kanji is ケーキのスライス, meaning "Keki no Suraisu", but her full name in Japanese is "Keki no Rosoku Suraisu" (ケーキのろうそくスライス). Whenever she is addressed in Japanese, she is addressed as "Kyandoru-chan".

Candle sketch by cloverleaf777-d7p7s3n


Charlotte - Her name in kanji is シャーロット, meaning "Sharotto", while her last name in kanji is ジェスチャーゲーム, meaning "Jesuchagemu", meaning that her full name in Japanese is "Sharotto Jesucha" (シャーロットジェスチャー). Whenever she is addressed in Japanese, she is addressed as "Sharotto-san".

Charade sisters by nuclearmime-d69zfxe

Sharotto-san and Sheri-chan.

Charms - Her name in kanji is 魅力, meaning "Miryoku", while her last name in kanji is 7カラット, meaning "7-Karatto", but her full name in Japanese is "Chamu 7-Karatto" (チャーム7カラット). Whenever she is addressed in Japanese, she is addressed as "Miryoku-chan".

Cherry - her name in kanji is 桜, meaning "Sakura", while her last name in kanji is 鮮明な地殻, meaning "Senmeina Chikaku", but her full name is Japanese is "Sakura Sawayakana Chikaku" (桜さわやかな地殻). Whenever she is addressed in Japanese, she is addressed as "Sakura-chan".

Welcome shoppes by steffuh-d4vakdl

Sakura-chan, Suku-chan, Zeri-chan, and Panpan-chan

Cinder - her name in kanji is 灰分, meaning "Kaibun", while her last name in kanji is 上草履, meaning "Uwazori", but her full name in Japanese is "Shinda Surippa" (シンダースリッパ). Whenever she is addressed in Japanese, she is addressed as "Kaibun-chan".

Lalaloopsy cinder slippers and prince handsome by tamagopurin-d9gh64m

Kaibun-chan and Oji-kun

Confetti - Her name in kanji is 紙吹雪, meaning "Kamifubuki", while her last name in kanji is カーニバル, meaning "Kanibaru", meaning that her full name in Japanese is "Kamifubuki Kanibaru" (紙吹雪カーニバル). Whenever she is addressed in Japanese, she is addressed as "Kami-chan".

Cloud E. - Her name is kanji is 雲, meaning "Kumo", while her last name in kanji is 空, meaning "Sora", meaning that her full name in Japanese is "Kumo no Sora" (雲の空). Whenever she is addressed in Japanese, she is addressed as "Kumo-chan".

Lalaloopsy angel by xxxxrougexxxx-d5wzp9x


Coral - Her name in kanji is 珊瑚, meaning "Sango", while her last name in kanji is 貝殻, meaning "Kaigara", but her full name in Japanese is "Sango no Umi no Kai" (サンゴの海の貝). Whenever she is addressed in Japanese, she is addressed as "Sango-chan".

Crumbs - Her name in kanji is パン粉, meaning "Panko", while her last name in kanji is シュガークッキー, meaning "Shuga Kukki", but her full name in Japanese is "Panko Sato Kukki" (パン粉、砂糖クッキー). Whenever she is addressed in Japanese, she is addressed as "Panko-chan".

Dollop - Her name in kanji is 塗ります, meaning "Nurimasu", while her last name in kanji is 光とふわふわ, meaning "Hikari to Fuwafuwa", but her full name in Japanese is "Nuru Hikari to Fuwafuwa" (塗る光とふわふわ). Whenever she is addressed in Japanese, she is addressed as "Nuru-chan".

Crumbs sugar cookie lalaloopsy by merudie-d66hyvz


Dot - Her name in kanji is ドット, meaning "Dotto", while her last name in kanji is 星明かり, meaning "Hoshi Akari", meaning that her full name in Japanese is "Dotto Hoshi Akari" (ドット星明かり). Whenever she is addressed in Japanese, she is addressed as "Dotto-chan".

Lalaloopsy dot starlight by bakerchemi-d7i02xp


Dyna - Her name in kanji is ダイナマイト, meaning "Dainamaito", while her last name in kanji is 可能性があります, meaning "Kanosei ga Arimasu", but her full name in Japanese is "Dainamaito Kamo Shiremasen" (ダイナマイトかもしれません). Whenever she is addressed in Japanese, she is addressed as "Kamo-chan".

Lalaloopsy dyna might by glitterati24-d78uymn


Ember - Her name in kanji is 燃えさし, meaning "Moesashi", while her last name in Japanese is フリッカー炎, meaning "Furikka-en", but her full name in Japanese is "Moesashi no Chiratsuki-en" (燃えさしのちらつき炎). Whenever she is addressed in Japanese, she is addressed as "Sashi-san".

Lalaloopsy adults ember flicker flame by nicholasjudy456-d8f6zvu


Fancy - Her name in kanji is ファンシー, meaning "Fanshi", while her last name in kanji is 霜や釉薬, meaning "Shimo ya Uwagusuri", but her full name in Japanese is "Hadena Shimo ya Uwagusuri" (派手な霜や釉薬). Whenever she is addressed in Japanese, she is addressed as "Hadena-chan".

Feather - Her name in kanji is 羽, meaning "Hane", while her last name in kanji is 話をします, meaning "Hanashi o Shimasu", but her full name in Japanese is "Hane Monogatari Tsutaemasu" (羽は物語を伝えます). Whenever she is addressed in Japanese, she is addressed as "Hane-chan".

Freather sketch by cloverleaf777-d7pci7k


Forest - His name in kanji is 森林, meaning "Shinrin", while his last name in kanji is常緑, meaning "Joryoku", meaning that his full name in Japanese is "Shinrin Joryoku" (森林常緑). Whenever he is addressed in Japanese, he is addressed as "Shinrin-kun".

Lalaloopsy forest evergreen by cyanatlas-d77cr8d


Frost - Her name in kanji is 霜, meaning "Shimo", while her last name in kanji is 氷のコーン, meaning "Kori no Kon", meaning that her full name in Japanese is "Shimo Kori no Kon" (霜氷のコーン). Whenever she is addressed in Japanese, she is addressed as "Shimo-chan".

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Furry - Her name in kanji is 毛皮のような, meaning "Kegawa no Yona", while her last name in kanji is 多くのうなり声, meaning "Oku no Unarigoe", but her full name in Japanese is "Kegawa no Yo ni Oku no Unarigoe" (毛皮のように多くのうなり声). Whenever she is addressed in Japanese, she is addressed as "Kegawa-chan".

Goldie - Her name in kanji is 金, meaning "Kin", while her last name in kanji is ぜいたく, meaning "Zeitaku", but her full name in Japanese is "Kin Rakkusu" (金ラックス). Whenever she is addressed in Japanese, she is addressed as "Kin-chan".

Haley - Her name in kanji is ヘイリー, meaning "Heiri", while her last name in kanji is 銀河, meaning "Ginga", meaning that her full name in Japanese is "Heiri Ginga" (ヘイリー銀河). Whenever she is addressed in Japanese, she is addressed as "Heiri-chan".

Happy - Her name in kanji is 幸せな, meaning "Shiwasena", while her last name in kanji is デイジークラウン, meaning "Deiji Kuraun", meaning that her full name in Japanese is "Shiawasena Deijī Kuraun" (幸せなデイジークラウン). Whenever she is addressed in Japanese, she is addressed as "Shiwa-chan".

Harmony - Her name in kanji is ハーモニー, meaning "Hamoni", while her last name in kanji is シャープ, meaning "Shapu", meaning that her full name in Japanese is "Hamoni wa Shapu de" (ハーモニーは、シャープで). Whenever she is addressed in Japanese, she is addressed as "Hamoni-chan".



Ivory - Her name in kanji is アイボリー, meaning "Aibori", while her last name in kanji is 氷晶, meaning "Hyosho", but her full name in Japanese is "Zoge Kori no Kessho" (象牙氷の結晶). Whenever she is addressed in Japanese, she is addressed as "Kori-chan".

Ivory ice crystals by steffuh-d5efhxu


Jelly - Her name in kanji is ゼリー, meaning "Zeri", while her last name in kanji is ウィグル揺れ, meaning "U~iguru Yure", meaning that her full name in Japanese is "Zeri U~iguru Yure" (ゼリーウィグル揺れ). Whenever she is addressed in Japanese, she is addressed as "Zeri-chan".

Jewel - Her name in kanji is 宝石, meaning "Hoseki", while her last name in kanji is 輝き, meaning "Kagayaki", meaning that her full name in Japanese is "Hoseki no Kagayaki" (宝石の輝き). Whenever she is addressed in Japanese, she is addressed as "Hoseki-san".

Jewel sparkle by steffuh-d4vbe7n


Kat - Her name in kanji is ネコ, meaning "Neko", while her last name in kanji is ジャングルの轟音, meaning "Janguru no Goon", meaning that her full name in Japanese is "Neko no Janguru no Goon" (猫のジャングルの轟音). Whenever she is addressed in Japanese, she is addressed as "Neko-chan".

Lady - Her name in kanji is 女性は, meaning "Josei", while her last name in kanji is まだ待機中, meaning "Mada Taiki-chu", but her full name in Japanese is "Josei wa Mada Matteimasu" (女性はまだ待っています). Whenever she is addressed in Japanese, she is addressed as "Josei-chan".

Mango - Her name in kanji is マンゴー, meaning "Mango", while her last name in kanji isティキのwiki, meaning "Tiki no U~ikki", meaning that her full name in Japanese is "Mango Tiki U~ikki" (マンゴーティキウィキ). Whenever she is addressed in Japanese, she is addressed as "Mango-chan".

Lalaloopsy mango tiki wiki by ke4ever-d548027


Marina - Her name in kanji is マリーナ, meaning "Marina", while her last name in kanji is アンカー, meaning "Anka", meaning that her full name in Japanese is "Marina Anka" (マリーナアンカー). Whenever she is addressed in Japanese, she is addressed as "Marina-chan".

Marina anchors by lizzy003-d5lvz5e


Misty - Her name in kanji is 霧, meaning "Kiri", while her last name in kanji is 神秘的な, meaning "Shinpi-Tekina", meaning that her full name in Japanese is "Kiri Shinpi-Tekina" (神秘的な霧). Whenever she is addressed in Japanese, she is addressed as "Kiri-chan".

Misty mysterious by micheeyo-d5lzjzr


Mittens - her name in kanji is ミトン, meaning "Miton", while her last name in kanji is 綿毛とか, meaning "Watage Toka", meaning that her full name in Japanese is "Miton Watage Toka" (ミトン綿毛とか). Whenever she is addressed in Japanese, she is addressed as "Miton-chan".

Mittens fluff n stuff by candiegurrl-d4v1xx0


Patch - His name in kanji is パッチ, meaning "Patchi", while his last name in kanji is宝物箱, meaning "Takaramono-bako", but his full name in Japanese is "Patchi Takarabako" (パッチ宝箱). Whenever he is addressed in Japanese, he is addressed as "Patchi-kun".

Lalaloopsy s least character by glitterati24-d6rzqe9


Peanut - Her name in kanji is ピーナッツ, meaning "Pinattsu", while her last name in kanji ビッグトップ, meaning "Biggutoppu", meaning that her full name in Japanese is "Pinattsu Biggutoppu" (ピーナッツビッグトップ). Whenever she is addressed in Japanese, she is addressed as "Pinattsu-chan".



Pepper - Her name in kanji is コショウ, meaning "Kosho", while her last name in kanji is 鍋釜類, meaning "Nabegama-rui", but her full name in Japanese is "Togarashi no Nabe ya Furaipan" (唐辛子の鍋やフライパン). Whenever she is addressed in Japanese, she is addressed as "Kosho-san".

Pillow - Her name in kanji is 枕, meaning "Makura", while her last name in kanji is 羽毛, meaning "Umo", meaning that her full name in Japanese is "Makura Umo" (枕羽毛). Whenever she is addressed in Japanese, she is addressed as "Makura-chan".

Pillow and crumbs by glitterati24-d778n3s


Pix E - Her name in kanji is 小妖精, meaning "Ko Yosei", while her last name in kanji is ヒラヒラ, meaning "Hirahira", but her full name in Japanese is "Pikushi Hirahira" (ピクシーヒラヒラ). Whenever she is addressed in Japanese, she is addressed as "Yosei-chan".

Prince - His name in kanji is 王子, meaning "Oji", while his last name in kanji is 立派な, meaning "Rippana", but his full name in Japanese is "Hansamuna Oji" (ハンサムな王子). Whenever he is addressed in Japanese, he is addressed as "Oji-kun".

Rosebud - Her name in kanji is バラのつぼみ, meaning "Baranotsubomi", while her last name in kanji is 長い茎, meaning "Nagai Kuki", meaning the her full name in Japanese is "Baranotsubomi Nagai Kuki" (バラのつぼみ長い茎). Whenever she is addressed in Japanese, she is addressed as "Barano-chan."

Rosy - Her name in kanji is バラ色の, meaning "Bara-iro", while her last name in kanji is バンプやあざ, meaning "Banpu ya Aza", meaning that her full name in Japanese is "Bara-iro no Banpu to Aza" (バラ色のバンプとあざ). Whenever she is addressed in Japanese, she is addressed as "Bara-chan".

Rosy bumps n bruises by vanilla rocket-d6colps


Scarlet - Her name in kanji is 緋色, meaning "Hiiro", while her last name in kanji is 乗馬フード, meaning "Joba Fudo", meaning that her full name in Japanese is "Hiiro Joba Fudo" (緋色乗馬フード). Whenever she is addressed in Japanese, she is addressed as "Hiiro-chan".

Scraps - Her name in kanji is 切り抜き, meaning "Kirinuki", while her last name in kanji is ステッチ縫製, meaning "Sutetchi Hosei", but her full name in Japanese is "Sukurappu wa Sutetchi Hosei Shimasu" (スクラップはステッチ縫製します). Whenever she is addressed in Japanese, she is addressed as "Kirinuki-chan".

Smile - Her name in kanji is 笑顔, meaning "Egao", while her last name in kanji is 願い, meaning "Negai", meaning that her full name in Japanese is "Egao no Negai" (笑顔の願い). Whenever she is addressed in Japanese, she is addressed as "Egao-chan".

Snowy - Her name in kanji is 雪に覆われました, meaning "Yuki ni Owa Remashita", while her last name in kanji is 最も美しいです, meaning "Mottomo Utsukushidesu", meaning that her full name in Japanese is "Yuki no Mottomo Utsukushidesu" (最も美しいです). Whenever she is addressed in Japanese, she is addressed as "Yuki-chan".

Spot - Her name in kanji is スポット, meaning "Supotto", while her last name in kanji is スプラッタスプラッシュ, meaning "Supuratta Supurasshu", meaning that her full name in Japanese is "Supotto Supuratta Supurasshu" (スポットスプラッタスプラッシュ). Whenever she is addressed in Japanese, she is addressed as "Supotto-chan".

Star - Her name in kanji is 星, meaning "Hoshi", while her last name in kanji is 魔法の呪文, meaning "Maho no Jumon", meaning that her full name in Japanese is "Hoshi Maho no Jumon" (星魔法の呪文). Whenever she is addressed in Japanese, she is addressed as "Hoshi-san".

Spot splatter splash by fall into your dream-d520h7f


Sunny - Her name in kanji is 晴れました, meaning "Haremashita", while her last name in kanji is アップ側, meaning "Appu-Gawa", but her full name in Japanese is "Hiatari no Yoi Men O-jo" (日当たりの良い面を上). Whenever she is addressed in Japanese, she is addressed as "Hare-chan".

Full Body Sunny


Suzette - Her name in kanji is シュゼット, meaning "Shuzetto", while her last name in kanji is 甘いラ, meaning "Amai Ra", meaning that her full name in Japanese is "Shuzetto Ra Amaidesu" (シュゼットラ甘いです). Whenever she is addressed in Japanese, she is addressed as "Shuzetto-chan".

Lalaloopsy suzette la sweet by glitterati24-d6nc2yr


Sweetie - Her name in kanji is 甘いもの, meaning "Amaimono", while her last name in kanji is キャンディーリボン, meaning "Kyandi Ribon", meaning that her full name in Japanese is "Amai Kyandi Ribon" (甘いキャンディリボン). Whenever she is addressed in Japanese, she is addressed as "Amai-chan".

Ribbon by cloverleaf777-d7z2hwe


Swirly - Her name in kanji is よじれました, meaning "Yojiremashita", while her last name in kanji is 8の字形, meaning "8 No Jikei", but her full name in kanji is Uzumaki Moyo no Zu 8" (渦巻き模様の図8). Whenever she is addressed in Japanese, she is addressed as "Yojire-chan".

Tippy - Her name in kanji is ティッピー, meaning "Tippi", while her last name in kanji is 転がる, meaning "Korogaru", but her full name in Japanese is "Tippu Tanburu" (ティッピータンブル). Whenever she is addressed in Japanese, she is addressed as "Tippi-chan".

Tippy tumblelina by zeldacw-d5o0w3i


Toasty - Her name in kanji is トーストの, meaning "Tosuto no", while her last name in kanji is 甘い綿毛, meaning "Amai Watage", meaning that her full name in Japanese is "Tosuto no Amai Watage" (トーストの甘い綿毛). Whenever she is addressed in Japanese, she is addressed as "Tosuto-chan".

Toasty Sweet Anime


Toffee - Her name in kanji is 有平糖, meaning "Aruheito", while her last name in kanji is ココア抱擁, meaning "Kokoa Hoyo", but her full name in Japanese is "Tafi Kokoa Hoyo" (タフィーココア抱擁). Whenever she is addressed in Japanese, she is addressed as "Aruheito-chan".

Toffee sketch by cloverleaf777-d7p9cnh


Whirly - Her name in kanji is 渦巻きます, meaning "Uzumakimasu", while her last name in kanji is 伸縮性のあるロック, meaning "Shinshuku-sei no Aru Rokku", meaning that her full name in Japanese is "Uzumaku Shinshuku-sei no Aru Rokku" (渦巻く伸縮性のあるロック). Whenever she is addressed in Japanese, she is addressed as "Uzumaki-chan".

Littles Names[]

Beauty - Her name in kanji is 美しさ, meaning "Utsukushi-sa", while her last name in kanji is 最も美しいです, meaning "Mottomo Utsukushidesu", but her full name in japanese is "Biyo Mottomo Utsukushidesu" (美容最も美しいです). Whenever she is addressed in Japanese, she is addressed as "Biyo-chan".

Blanket - Her name in kanji is 毛布, meaning "Mofu", while her last name in kanji is 羽毛, meaning "Umo", meaning that her full name in Japanese is "Umo no Mofu" (羽毛ベッドの毛布). Whenever she is addressed in Japanese, she is addressed as "Mofu-chan".

Bundles - Her name in kanji is バンドル, meaning "Bandoru", while her last name in kanji is すり寄りもの, meaning "Suriyori Mono", but her full name in Japanese is "Bandoru wa Mono o Yorisoimasu" (バンドルは、ものを寄り添います). Whenever she is addressed in Japanese, she is addressed as "Bandoru-chan".

Bundles snuggle stuff by eleexir-d81a7g5


Breeze - Her name in kanji is 風, meaning "Kaze", while her full name in kanji is 空, meaning "Sora", but her full name in Japanese is "Sawayakana Sora" (さわやかな空). Whenever she is addressed in Japanese, she is addressed as "Kaze-chan".

Cape - Her name in kanji is 岬, meaning "Misaki", while her last name in kanji is 乗馬フード, meaning "Joba Fudo", but her full name in Japanese is "Misaki Fudo ni Notte" (フード岬に乗って). Whenever she is addressed in Japanese, she is addressed as "Misaki-san".

Dream - Her name in kanji is 夢, meaning "Yume", while her last name in kanji is 願い, meaning "Negai", but her full name in Japanese is "Yume no Yona Negai" (夢のような願い). Whenever she is addressed in Japanese, she is addressed as "Yume-chan".

Giggly - Her name in kanji is クスクス笑います, meaning "Kusukusu Waraimasu", while her last name in kanji is フルーツ滴, meaning "Furutsu Shizuku", meaning the her full name in Japanese is "Kusukusu Waru Furutsu Shizuku" (クスクス笑うフルーツ滴). Whenever she is addressed in Japanese, she is addressed as "Kusu-chan" or "Warai-chan".

Kiwi - Her name in kanji is キウイ, meaning "Kiui", while her last name in kanji is ティキのwiki, meaning "Tiki no U~ikki", meaning that her full name in Japanese is "Kiui Tiki U~iki". Whenever she is addressed in Japanese, she is addressed as "Kiui-chan".

Matey - His name in kanji is 相棒, meaning "Aibo", while his last name in kanji is アンカー, meaning "Anka", meaning that his full name in Japanese is "Aibo Anka" (相棒アンカー). Whenever she is addressed in Japanese, she is addressed as "Aibo-kun".

Mimi - Her name in kanji is ミミ, meaning "Mimi", while her last name in kanji is 甘いラ, meaning "Amai Ra", meaning that her full name in Japanese is "Mimi Ra Amaidesu" (ミミラ甘いです). Whenever she is addressed in Japanese, she is addressed as "Mimi-chan".

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